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Learning Disabilities and Disorders


Whether it’s problems with focus and studying, fear of getting up in front of people to present a paper, lack of reading and writing comprehension, or lower than expected math skills, there comes a time when a child’s inability to complete his work goes beyond the normal childhood lack of focus and motivation, when it’s more than just wanting to be outside on a spring day.  

If a child is having issues in school or with studies that are consistent and persistent, and it seems that he or she cannot overcome the problems they are having, you might be coping with learning disabilities. Edmonton parents who face this problem should not despair; the first step is educating yourself on just what a learning disability is, so you can better seek help and treatment.  

Defining a Learning Disability

Defining what a learning disability is, can be difficult because the terms, “Learning Disability” and “Learning Disorder,” are blanket terms that cover a broad spectrum of issues related to learning and focus that affect a child’s ability to store and process new information.  

The first thing that you need to understand is that if your child has a learning disability, that does not mean they are not intelligent. Many kids and adults with learning disorders hare very bright and clever people. The only difference between them and others is that they process information differently. The way they see, hear, and understand information is not the same as the way others do. That doesn’t make them better or worse than anyone else, just different.  

The most common kinds of learning disabilities affect the following skills: 

·       Reading

·       Writing

·       Mathematics

·       Reasoning

·       Listening

·       Communication  

Signs of a Learning Disorder

Different learning disorders have different signs and symptoms. Each one looks different—while one child has problems with reading and writing, another may have problems with math or basic communication. This can make it difficult to diagnose a learning disability. However, there are some common warning signs for which you may want to watch out.Here are a few of these signs.  

·       Difficulty with pronunciation

·       Searching for the right words to communicate

·       Problems with basics like the alphabet, days of the week, colors and shapes

·       Troubles connecting sounds with letters or written words

·       Persistent reading and spelling troubles

·       Problems with simple math concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

·       Problems with telling time

·       Issues with creative thinking, such as with open-ended or essay questions  on exams

·       Poor organizational skills

·       Sloppy handwriting

Other Disorders

There are other disorders that can interfere with learning, but are not strictly learning disorders. Issues like ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or Autism Spectrum Disorder can also include symptoms that interfere with learning. These have their own individual treatments and approaches. A qualified counselor can help you find the best approach for your child.

One thing that you should always remember is that your child does not have to be limited by his or her learning disability—she absolutely can succeed! If you think your child may have problems with learning disabilities, Edmonton based help is available. Give me a call!



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