Every child has “episodes,” periods that make parents want to tear out their hair in frustration. When your child acts out, refuses to listen or throws a temper tantrum, it can be embarrassing and infuriating. It is all you can do to remind yourself that it is normal and they will come out of it.
That being said, there are certain behaviors that you should not ignore. These could be signs of more serious issues, or could be a gateway to bigger problems.
Interruption during Conversation
When you are talking to your child or to someone else and your child interrupts you, it can be tempting to let them go. After all, they have not yet developed adult self-control and may just be excited or feel the need to clarify what you are saying. Allowing them to butt into conversations does not teach them to be considerate of others.
Make sure your child has clear boundaries. Educate them on consideration and social graces. Teach them to wait their turn to speak in a conversation.
Of course you want to watch out for kids fighting. When they are hitting, kicking or otherwise engaging in aggressive actions that could hurt others, this is inappropriate behavior. You should also watch out for smaller signs of aggression. Pinching, poking and shoving can quickly escalate into worse conflicts and bullying problems.
If your child is showing signs of physical aggression towards other kids, step in immediately. Ask them how they would like it if another child did the same thing to them? Educate them that hurting others is wrong and inappropriate. Teach them better ways to handle the situation; again, establish clear boundaries.
Defiance is a major problem among children. While it is natural for kids to push boundaries, this does not mean it is your place to give in. If you have to tell a child something several times before they obey, they get the message that ignoring you is okay. If they are constantly arguing or challenging you or others and get away with it, they learn that this is how to get their way.
When your child is being defiant, you should step in immediately. If they ignore you or argue when you give a command, walk over to them turn them around, and make them look you in the face as you tell them what you want. Then make them acknowledge you and comply, imposing a consequence for their actions if they do not.
These are just a few situations where poor behavior patterns can lead to larger problems. If your child is acting out and you are at your wits’ end, talking to a professional can help. If you need a child psychologist in Edmonton, give us a call today.